Our customers

Snomann works both with businesses from different industries as well as governmental organizations. Since we focus on long-term collaboration, we know how to bring value to each customer. Check out how your company can benefit from collaboration with Snomann

Value we bring for

Smaller companies

3-150 seats

If your company falls under the small business category, allow Snomann to assume the responsibility for your Microsoft 365 infrastructure. What will you get?

  • Microsoft 365 subscriptions at the most competetive prices
  • Snomann will assisst your company in fully utilizing all the features of your Microsoft subscriptions
  • The maintenance of your Microsoft 365 infrastructure will be handled by the top IT experts market
  • Proactive approach from Snomann – we will provide new insights and best practices
  • No need to worry about security and productivity any longer

Medium companies

150-1000 seats

If your organization falls under this category, subscription-based collaboration model is the most suitable choise. What will you get?

  • Microsoft 365 subscriptions at the most competetive prices
  • Trusted advisor available any time and ready to assist your IT experts with Microsoft 365 related issues
  • Development and implementation of activity plan – Snomann will take tech maturity level of your company to the next level within one year!
  • Proactive approach from Snomann – we will provide new insights and best practices
  • Snomann will ensure Security of your organization in Microsoft Cloud
  • Trainings for your IT experts and end users

Large companies

1000+ seats

If your organization falls under this category, we assume that you have strong IT experts in your team. Hovewer it’s difficult for them to know everything, and often, expert opinion is needed to save their time and achieve results more quickly. Consultations is the most efficient way of collaboration with large organizations. What will you get?

  • Trusted advisor supporting your IT experts with Microsoft 365-related issues
  • Cybersecurity activities alligned to NIS:2 The new EU-wide cybersecurity directive
  • Possibility to get Microsoft funds for project implementation (in case of eligibility)
  • Proactive approach from Snomann – we will provide new insights and best practices
  • Trainings for your IT experts and end users

Ready to take your business to a new level?

Our team is eager to help!